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The Fears of the Rich, the Needs of the Poor- My Years at the CDC
商品訊息描述:In its seventy years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has evolved from a malaria control program to an institution dedicated to improving health for all people across the world. The Fears of the Rich, The Needs of the Poor is a revealing account of the CDC’s development by its former director, public health luminary William H. Foege.
Dr. Foege tells the stories of pivotal moments in public health, including the eradication of smallpox (made possible due in part to Foege’s research) and the discovery of Legionnaires’ disease, Reye syndrome, toxic shock syndrome, and HIV/AIDS. With good humor and optimism, he recounts the various crises he surmounted, from threats of terrorist attacks to contentious congressional hearings and funding cuts. Highlighting the people who made possible some of public health’s biggest successes, Foege outlines the work required behind the scenes and describes the occasional tensions between professionals in the field and the politicians in charge of oversight.
In recent years, global public health initiatives have come from unanticipated sources. Giants in the field now include President Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, who promote programs aimed at neglected diseases. Melinda and Bill Gates have invigorated the field through research and direct program support, especially in the area of vaccine-preventable diseases. And the Merck Mectizan program has dramatically reduced river blindness in Africa. Foege has been involved in all of these efforts, among others, and he brings to this book the knowledge and wisdom derived from a long and accomplished career. The Fears of the Rich, The Needs of the Poor is an inviting but unvarnished account of that career and offers a plethora of lessons for those interested in public health.
- 作者: Foege, William H.
- 原文出版社:Johns Hopkins Univ Pr
- 出版日期:2018/03/13
- 語言:英文
The Fears of the Rich, the Needs of the Poor- My Years at the CDC
海軍反潛航空大隊一名賴姓上尉疑似涉及《兒童及少年福利與權益保障法》中的「性剝削」案,日前遭高雄地方檢察署直接派人到部隊羈押偵辦中。海軍司令部 25 日表示,全力協助高雄地檢署調查釐清,另依「刑懲併行」 原則,該大隊已依規定核予賴員行政重懲,並依程序辦理撤職,屆時將不得支領退伍金。
107 年下半年年度將官晉任,經總統蔡英文核定,共有 4 名人員晉升中將、18名晉升少將,28日於三軍軍官俱樂部舉辦晉任授階典禮,7月1日生效。這也是嚴德發接任國防部長後,國軍首度將官晉升。
軍人年改7月1日上路,國防部近期寄出退休俸處分書及試算表,不過卻發生約 5 萬份地址寄錯或級職算錯的狀況。國防部28 日表示,收件人地址因匯出時跳格產生錯誤,將於修正後重新寄發。
國軍三軍六校聯合畢業典禮29 日上午在北投復興崗校區舉行,三軍統帥蔡英文總統親自出席,為防止去年陳抗包圍事件重演,台北市警方出動上千名警力維安。另外,軍校方面臨時通知畢業生家屬,屆時只能有一名家屬入場觀禮,國防大學表示,因為畢業典禮當天人數太多,其餘家屬均引導至休息區,以「視訊直播方式」觀看儀程,會使家屬如臨現場,共同見證畢業生任官典禮。
美國國防部28日宣布,將出售 28 架 F/A-18E/F 超級大黃蜂戰機(Super Hornets)給科威特,包括 22 架單座和 6 架雙座型,合約總值 15 億美元(約 457.6 億台幣)。
美國眾議院(House of Representatives) 28 日通過 2019 年度軍事預算,總金額約為6,750億美元(約20.6兆台幣),包含添購多架新型 F-35 戰機、AH-64E 阿帕契攻擊直升機和濱海戰鬥艦(Littoral Combat Ship),同時替美軍官兵調薪 2.6% 。
美國官員 28 日透露,國務院已要求美軍陸戰隊派員進駐美國在台協會( AIT )內湖新館,若獲得批准,將是近 40 年來美軍陸戰隊首次駐防美國在台外交機構。不過,這項消息傳出後,引發中國大陸方面不滿,質疑美方違反「一中原則」。
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